So my iphone is now using Electra Jailbreak! It’s so cool this hard and fast work Coolstar did on it ! Unlucky most of tweaks i used on iOS 10.3.3 are no longer compatible ! So it’s my new list of tweaks i use now and compatible with iOS 11.
-Status bar :
- Zeppelin : It changes the icon carrier
- Alkalin : It customizes your battery icon
- Ekg signal + : Fixes the color of icons on statusbar (Thanks to @Softiceprecious for the tip !)
-Springboard :
- Anemone : Install themes, Icons, somes statusbar icons, as well
- Springtomize 4 : It customize most parts of your device like the font, icons, lockscreen etc…(30% working)
- Box 3 : custom layout for icons
- BorderIcon + : Adds border color when u open folder
-Lockscreen :
- LockglyphX : Gives the Apple Pay confirmation animation to the Lock screen
- Lockplus : Install lockscreen theme !
I’m switching between both okay ! I don’t use them in same time of course !
-Keyboard :
- Ikeywi 3 : Add row numbers at the top of the keyboa
- Imageboard : Add wallpaper in the keyboard
- Nudekeys : Change text color of the keyboard
I’m switching between both okay ! I don’t use them in same time of course !
-Control center :
- CCmodule : Add new toggles on the control center
-Notification control
- NCWallCustomize 2 : Add a wallpaper to your notification control
-other :
- Filza File Manager 64-bit : the best file explorer
- Eclipse X : To change the color UI of every app
- Icleaner : Clean your iphone
-For hack :
- Flex 3 : find some hacks and make yours
- App cake : Download paid app from App store for free
- App admin : Downgrade the version of an app from Appstore
Unlucky Cydown is not updated and not compatible for iOS 11! So sad :/
As usually performance is my priority ! So as long as i can customize the iphone without it slowing down, everything is okay. This list of tweaks is exhautive and can be updated.
No entiendo nada, auxilio!
Vaya al final de la página y elija su idioma para traducir el blog.