Your iphone must be jailbroken to use these mods.

Hello Kitty Big Bow Whatsapp 2.18.31
1-Be sure to download the Whatsapp 2.18.31
2-Download the file
2-Copy past into var/Containers/Bundle/Application/whatsapp
3-To change color, use the tweak Watusi 2 and Whatsapp ++ on cydia
4-It's done !
(wallpaper not included)
2-Download the file
2-Copy past into var/Containers/Bundle/Application/whatsapp
3-To change color, use the tweak Watusi 2 and Whatsapp ++ on cydia
4-It's done !
(wallpaper not included)

Hello Kitty Big Bow Filza
1-Download and unzip
2-Copy past to /Applications/
3-Go in settings/theme and change to big bow
4-Restart Filza and it's done !
5-To change the color, install Eclipse 4 for iOS 10

Pink ISmart Dialer
1-Download the file
2-Then go to download iSmart Dialer on
3-Open filza, copy/past DefaultEntries.plist in /var/containers/Bundle/Application/ISMART Dialer/
P.S : Wallpaper not included