It’s been a while since I managed to jailbreak my iphone and it’s only been a few days since I managed to install a theme ! The jailbreak world is new for me as i always used android since 2009 ! So i had to inquiry a lot about it to be able to do on iphone, what i do on android ! It seems that the xda forum for android is the Reddit forum for jailbroken iphones ! So all i want to know, i’m going to check on this forum by following #jailbreak and #IOSthemes. I’m still a little frustrated because there are many tweaks that haven’t been updated for a while ! But whatever i’m not going to complain too much ! Only now i noticed that theming applications like facebook, whatsapp or Wechat was possible on old iOS version by finding blogs of unactive iphone themers ! But whatever iOS evolves in the same way as Android does ! So it’s probably become harder or not possible anymore as the last theme for app i saw dated of 2014 !
Android and Iphone are so different ! But it seems like the jailbreak makes the iphone cooler !
Here are the tweaks i installed from Cydia for now :
-Status bar :
- Zeppelin : It changes the icon carrier
- Alkalin : It customizes your battery icon
- Ekg signal + : Fixes the color of icons on statusbar (Thanks to @Softiceprecious for the tip !)
-Springboard :
- Iconbundles : It changes the icons of your springboard through winterboard
- Winterboard : It allows you to install themes
- Anemone : Install themes, Icons, somes statusbar icons, as well
Don’t use both !
- Springtomize 4 : It customize most parts of your device like the font, icons, lockscreen etc…
- Box 3 : custom layout for icons
- BorderIcon + : Adds border color when u open folder
-Lockscreen :
- LockglyphX : Gives the Apple Pay confirmation animation to the Lock screen
- Lockplus : Install lockscreen theme !
I’m switching between both okay ! I don’t use them in same time of course !
-Control center :
- CCWallcustomizer : Add a wallpaper to your control center
- FlipcontrolCenter : Add features to your control center
-Notification control
- NCWallCustomize : Add a wallpaper to your notification control
-Keyboard :
- Ikeywi3 : Add row number to your default keyboard
- Imageboard : Add a wallpaper to your default keyboard
- Nudekeys : So i can change the color text of the keyboard with imageboard applied
-Passcode :
- Faces pro : Customize the circle of your passcode
-other :
- Filza : the best file explorer
- Eclipse 4 : To change the color UI of every app
- BundleIDs : To easily find the bundle ID of any app on your device, system and user
- Icleaner pro : Clean your iphone
- Battsaver : Save your battery by unactivate wifi, data and other things when your phone is inactive
-For hack :
- Flex 2 : find some hacks and make yours
- Cydown : Install any paid tweaks for free
- App Admin : Add tweaks for your apps in App Store
- App cake : Download paid app from App store for free
As usually I try to use as little as possible extra third apps ! Performance is my priority ! But if you have any good tweaks to advise, please comment ! 😀
Unsaon page download sa apps nyu sis
Kon kini libre, i-klik ang mga hulagway
Download link pls
Please po pashare nman po ng hello kitty apps nyo fb,messenger, themes for oppo a83 super ganda po tlga..