To theme an android application on your phone, you can mod the .apk by using apkeditor. So here i explain the basic steps to do it.
You can do it in 2 steps :
1) Simple edit to edit the images of the app
2) Full edit to edit the color of the app (text and global parts of the app)
1.Edit images by simple edit
Before starting this step, you have to prepare a folder with all the images to replace the original in your sdcard.
1.1) Firstly download apkeditor
1.2) Open it
1.3) Select your application (from your app or an apk you downloaded on browser)
1.4) Then a menu displays, and select “SIMPLE EDIT”
1.5) Go in the tab IMAGES and select the edit icon pen and paper on the below picture
1.6) Now just search the folder where you saved your images (be careful if the new image is too big, it won’t display properly) and replace the original by the one you want
1.7) Do it for every image you want to replace
1.8) When you’re done, just save
1.9) You can see the changes you did by installing it
2.Change color by full edit
To know what color you need to change, use color picker, so you will know the code HEX color you have to edit
2.1) Again Open apkeditor
2.2) Select your application (select an apk if you did the first step, and go in apkeditor folder and then the gen_signed.apk)
2.3) When the menu displays, select “FULL EDIT”
2.4) Now select the folder Files in the bottom menu and open the RES folder
2.5) Scroll until the VALUES folder and click on it
2.6) Open the file color.xml
2.7) Click the color you want to change
You can notice, the value starting by “text_xxx” corresponds to a text color and “background_xxx”, “primary_xxx” and “accent_xxx” are for some parts color like menu bar, actionar, background, etc…
2.8) When it’s done, close and save
Other tips, if this step is too long : use the bar search in bottom and past the code HEX color
As i said, this tutorial just explains basic knowledge, it doesn’t mean you suddenly are a modder ! You have to explore more and learn by yourself ! Also you can’t mod facebook and messenger as they give ERROR ! To practise you can start by light application ! In fact, more an application is light more it’s easy to mod, more it’s heavy more it’s long to mod.
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Paano po ito pls paturo hindi ako marunong eh, pls na po “Ladypinkilicious”
Learn english then read my tutorial
can you please teach me how to mod fb & messenger app?im also a hello kitty lover..im interested to learn from you ladypinkilicious
I’m sorry, i don’t have time to teach modding and there is already everything to learn by yourself on android forums, but here basic for you to start : https://ladypinkilicious.com/2017/09/30/how-to-mod-an-apk-with-apkeditor/
Thank you !