It’s been three years i’m able to edit and make Samsung themes but unofficially ! I always thought it was useless to apply as Samsung designer as everyone can have paid themes for free with package disabler from the Samsung theme store and anyway i could do themes without the Samsung theme editor. But everything could change in the future ! Samsung could fix the tips ! Even rooting has become more complicated for the latest Samsung phones ! Also i was stuck on marshmallow on my very old and faithful Samsung note 3 and i don’t know how will the themes change later for new phones and new android versions ! And of course I want to progress as designer and not stuck at the same level, with the same status as Hello Kitty themer for years with no plan ! Finally i told myself if there are many designers applying for a theme service partnership with Samsung, it s probably not that bad. So that’s why i decided to apply ! Being noticed by Cheetah Mobile gave me more self confidence about my skills and my themes ! Meeting and talking with others great designers from other companies also inspired me so much ! So i prepared my mock theme and my portfolio for the submission a few weeks ago before my vacations in Italy with Hello Kitty ! And i was very stressed like if i was waiting for the results of an exam and i hated that ! I told myself what if they refused me, I would be sad, disappointed and also it would mean that my skills are not enough and that I still have to improve ! And especially because I had read a lot of designers complaining about being rejected !
I’m a Samsung theme designer for real !
And finally today, when i came back from my vacations, i checked my mails and noticed it ! I did it ! I’m finally officially and legit themer for Samsung ! I was really happy and proud cause i submitted like any other designers ! It has nothing to do with luck, popularity or followers because I followed the same process as everyone ! Then I announced it to each person who supported me, helped in any way during the submission ! Thank you to all those who believed in me !
So how to apply as samsung designer ?
One of the requirements is to have already made official themes for a company ! So luckily, Cheetah Mobile noticed me a few months ago ! I did a portfolio, I added icons that I did and some launcher and keyboard themes that were successful ! I also attached my contract and pay slip of Cheetah Mobile to prove that I’m really a partner of this company.
Then you must also prove you have skills to make your own themes with your own material ! It means you can’t cheat, you have to draw everything from A to Z for the mock theme. They say to judge on the originality and creativity of the theme so if you’re a copycat, you have already lost the game in advance !
Finally you have to write a letter that reflects your personality and creativity and express why you want to make themes for samsung. Honestly I just have been sincere and express my passion for cute things, designing and that’s all. Also having a blog or site (not a facebook page) with all your works can help !
Anyway, if you are rejected, you can submit as many requests as you want, but don’t submit the same design otherwise you can be sure to be always rejected !
Revenge on the past !
The truth is that i have already submitted a request as samsung designer in 2015 ! At that time, I only had my deviantart and I was not really able to create my own themes like today ! I used wallpapers from Pinterest and Hello Kitty images as icons and they obviously rejected me ! So for me, being accepted as theme service partner of Samsung is really a nice revenge and more it was one of my goals for 2018 !
What does it change ?
For me, it’s a new step ahead and it means I still could do Samsung themes for several more years ! My themes will be on the samsung theme store, so they will have more exposure. Also i won t endure anymore trading or reselling of my Samsung themes as they will be directly on the theme store ! And of course i will still share free themes !
For you, it doesn’t change anything except you could also see my themes on the Samsung theme store and they will be more complete as I would use a Samsung theme editor update to create them ! But you must always update your phone.
“I’m in competition with no one but myself. I run my own race. I just aim to improve, to be better than I was before. That’s me and I am free.”
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